Vaginal health can be affected by many things, including the foods you eat. Some foods are known to prevent infections, keep the vagina lubricated, and help the healing process from yeast infections or urinary tract infections.
Foods to Maintain Vaginal Health
The vagina is part of the organs of the female reproductive system and functions as a channel for the discharge of menstrual blood, a channel for the delivery of babies, and the channel through which sperm enter the egg. If vaginal health is not taken care of properly, this organ is prone to problems such as vaginal infections that can spread to other reproductive organs.
Some foods that are known to help maintain vaginal health include:
Natural cranberry juice and cranberry extract are rich in high antioxidants and acidic compounds that can help prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder tract.
Research shows that cranberry consumption can prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in people who are prone to recurrent UTIs. In consuming cranberries, you should drink natural juice to avoid the high sugar content in packaged drinks.
Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes help relieve symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and PCOS. Sweet potatoes contain beta carotene, calcium and folate which are good for relieving symptoms of vaginal infections.
The content of beta carotene and vitamin A also helps maintain the health of mucous membranes including vaginal tissue. Meanwhile, the fiber content in sweet potatoes can help stabilize insulin levels in people with PCOS.
Read more: Fungsi dan Anatomi Vagina Sebagai Alat Reproduksi Wanita
Throughout the vagina, various microorganisms including good bacteria such as Lactobacillus are present. Lactobacillus can prevent infections caused by other microorganisms that can cause vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis (BV), sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and fungal infections.
Probiotics containing Lactobacillus can be found in fermented foods such as:
- Yoghurt
- Kimchi
- Pickles
- Miso (soybean paste)
- Tempe (soybean cake)
- Kombucha
Apart from eating the above foods, you can also take probiotics in the form of supplements.
Asam lemak omega-3
Kesehatan vagina dapat memengaruhi gairah seksual Anda. Mengonsumsi makanan yang mengandung asam lemak omega-3 dapat membantu melancarkan sirkulasi dan aliran darah yang dapat meningkatkan gairah seksual. Suplemen omega-3 juga dapat meredakan nyeri menstruasi terutama jika dikombinasikan dengan suplemen vitamin E.
Sebuah studi di tahun 2022 mengungkapkan bahwa konsumsi suplemen asam lemak omega-3 juag dapat membantu meningkatkan fungsi seksual pada wanita hamil dan mencegah peningkatan kecemasan saat kehamilan. Untuk sumber asam lemak omega-3 alami, Anda dapat mengonsumsi ikan berlemak, biji rami, telur, dan kenari.
Baca Juga: Vagina Gatal setelah Menstruasi, Apa Penyebabnya?
Vitamin D
Another nutrient that can help maintain vaginal health is vitamin D. According to research in 2022, vitamin D can reduce vaginal dryness, balances pH, and promotes cell growth.
Furthermore, consuming vitamin D can help with the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis in patients who have vitamin D deficiency. This is because vitamin D can boost the immune system, which can certainly support vaginal health.
Antioxidant-rich fruits
Antioxidants can help improve overall blood flow and reduce oxidative stress, two important factors in sexual arousal and fertility. Some types of fruits that are high in antioxidants include:
- Pomegranate
- Blueberries
- Raspberries
- Strawberries
- Apple
- Goji berries
You can consume these fruits directly or process them into smoothies.
Some foods can help maintain the balance of vaginal bacteria, prevent bacterial infections and lubricate the vagina. In addition to eating healthy foods, you can also keep your vagina healthy by paying attention to its hygiene.
If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.
Looking for more tips and information regarding health, first aid, and other home remedies? Click here!
La Forge, T. (2023). What Are the Best Foods to Eat to Support Your Vaginal Health? Available from:
Sass, C. (2022). Best Foods for Vaginal Health. Available from:
Huizen, J. (2020). Can diet improve a person's vaginal health?. Available from: