Rectum cancer is a common cancer. This cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow in the end of the large intestine called rectum.
Rectum cancer can affect anyone, and the risk increases with age. The risk of rectum cancer increases, especially at the age of 50 years and over. Know the early symptoms of rectum cancer so that you can be aware of and perform early detection and treatment.
Early Symptoms Of Rectum Cancer
In general, rectum cancer does not have clear symptoms. However, there are some symptoms that need to be watched out for as an early symptom of rectum cancer, including:
Changes in the defecation pattern
One of the early signs that need to be suspected of being a rectum cancer is a change in the defecation pattern. This change can be in the form of constipation or diarrhea that lasts for several weeks.
In addition, usually the size of the feces becomes smaller, which leaves the feeling that the intestine is not completely empty after defecating.
Also read: Early Signs Of Illustrative Cancer That Is Often Not Aware Of
Blood on blood
The appearance of blood on blood can be caused by many conditions, rectum cancer is one of them. In the early development of rectum cancer, CCTV can be light red or darker, depending on the location of bleeding in the digestive tract.
This bleeding usually does not cause pain. However, because it can be caused by other conditions such as hemorrhoids or digestive tract injuries, it is very important not to ignore this and get a doctor's examination.
Pain or discomfort in the rectum area
Other symptoms that need to be watched out for as rectum cancer are pain and discomfort in the rectum area. Pain or discomfort can be caused by the presence of a tumor that suppresses the surrounding tissue.
The pain that is felt usually gets worse when sitting or after defecating. Some people may also feel a lump around the anus that feels pain.
Also read: Knowing The Causes And Risk Factors Of Usum Cancer
Weight loss without a clear cause
Weight loss without a clear cause can also be an early symptom of rectum cancer. This happens because the body is struggling with cancer cell growth.
In its growth, cancer cells consume the body's energy and cause disorders in nutritional absorption. As a result, weight loss may coincide with other symptoms.
Continuous Fatigue
Another symptom of rectum cancer that needs to be watched out for is persistent fatigue. This fatigue is usually caused by anemia, which occurs due to bleeding in the digestive tract which lasts for a long time.
Anemia reduces the number of red blood cells in the body. This causes the supply of oxygen to the body's tissue to decrease so that you feel tremendous fatigue.
Stomach bloating and stomach pain
Stomachs that always feel bloating and painful and do not subside with regular treatment can be an early sign of rectum cancer. These symptoms occur when a tumor blocks some of the intestines, causing discomfort and pain.
Early detection is the main key in the treatment of rectum cancer. People who have a high risk of rectum cancer, such as having a family history with colorectal cancer, intestinal inflammation, having a smoking habit or an unhealthy diet are advised to carry out screening regularly.
Have other questions related to digestive health? You can consult a doctor through the Ai Care application which can be downloaded on the App Store or Play Store.